Specially abled, transgenders visit mock polling booth in Hubballi

Hubli | Sunday | 17th March, 2019


“But now I am confident and will go to the the polling station to cast my vote on the day of the election. We are expecting similar respect on the election day, I will stand in the women’s queue and cast my vote. I am yet to get my voter ID,” Beldoni said.Hussain sab Harakuni, 60, a a specially abled person, hailed the administration for demonstrating the facilities at the polling station for physically challenged people. Physically challenged people in villages avoid voting just because of the difficulties they face to reach the polling station, he said.Many cleared their doubts about the EVM and VVPAT on the occasion. “I was reluctant to come here and vote as when in standing in a queue, other people look at us in a different way..