Siasat is the hope of many hopeless persons: Admin of Urdu newspapers Syed Imran

Hyderabad | Monday | 26th February, 2018


Siasat is the hope of many hopeless persons: Admin of Urdu newspapers Syed ImranHyderabad: Mr.

Syed Imran who is the admin of Urdu world serving the cause of Urdu newspapers congratulated Mr.

Amer Ali Khan, News Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily on the visit to Koratla, garlanded and presented a shawl to him. He also applauded the efforts of Mr.

Zahid Ali Khan, Editor, Mr.

Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Managing Editor and Mr.

Amer Ali Khan, News Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily for their untiring struggle. Later, talking to newsmen, Mr.