60,000 bank staff in TS, Andhra to go on strike

Hyderabad | Sunday | 27th May, 2018


No work is likely to be transacted on these two days as 10 lakh employees and officers across the country will go on strike. Mr.

Sarma said the objective was not to inconvenience the customers, but the 2% hike in the wage bill was too meagre and “humiliating” for the bank employees and officers. UFBU, an umbrella body of nine unions of bank officers and employees — AIBEA, AIBOC, NCBE, AIBOA, BEFI, INBEF, INBOC, NOBW and NOBO – had earlier this month given the strike call for May 30 and 31. In Telangana, the strike comes ahead of the scheduled reopening of schools on June 1. “It is a statutory requirement,” he said about the need for such a meeting to be convened once a strike notice is given..