To nurture a biking culture in Hyderabad

Hyderabad | Friday | 27th July, 2018


Rohit Nayani of Desmodromic Moto Entertainment Pvt Ltd felt it was time to set things straight, bust a few myths and provide a starting point to nurture a proper biking culture in Hyderabad. The brain behind the first-of-its -kind two-day motor cycling festival in the city that commences today is inspired by popular biking fests India Bike Week and Rider’s mania in the country. He felt the void of a biking festival in the city existed because no one dared to get in a market like Hyderabad. People don’t find Hyderabad to be a promising motorcycling destination for various reasons. I must say though, most superbikers come in well-synchronised groups, don’t overtake, wear proper gears and stay within limits..