Hyderabad: Heavy rains likely in next 24 hours, CM asks officials to be alert

Hyderabad | Friday | 17th August, 2018


Hyderabad: In the wake of heavy rains that may occur in the next few days, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today directed the officials concerned to be alert and remain vigilant. He conducted a high-level review meeting at Pragathi Bhavan here and asked the top officials at the Secretariat to monitor 24 hours the rain situation. KCR spoke to Chief Secretary S.K Joshi and DGP Mahender Reddy and instructed them to focus on the rains and related problems. He reviewed the situation arising out of rains and effect of floods in Adilabad and other Districts. CM has also instructed that Ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs should be available to the people in their respective Districts and Constituencies and should monitor relief works wherever required in coordination with Police and other Officers..