TJS waves green flag to mahakutami

Hyderabad | Saturday | 15th September, 2018


HYDERABAD: In a major boost to the Mahakutami, the state committee of Telangana Jana Samithi (TJS) has unanimously given authority to Kodandaram to join the grand alliance of Cong-TDP-CPI if certain conditions of the party are conceded to.TJS will join on the condition that the ‘common minimum programme’ of the Mahakutami focuses on the aspirations of the people of Telangana such as “providing jobs and taking care of martyrs families”. The election manifesto should also state that a ‘Telangana development and martyrs council’ under the chairmanship of Kodandaram will be formed, which would be given legal sanctity by an enactment in the state assembly and its plans like announcement of a job calendar would be binding on the government to be formed.This council will meet at regular intervals and would comprise of members from allies and experts from various fields like social science..