No entry into VRO exam hall with mangalsutra!

Hyderabad | Monday | 17th September, 2018


In the formerly undivided Adilabad district, too, exam for VRO posts passed off smoothly with top officials monitoring the conduct. Peaceful elsewhereThe written exam for VRO posts was conducted peacefully at 186 centres in various parts of Karimnagar district on Sunday. In Adilabad town, 17,655 out of a total 22,428 registered candidates appeared for the exam, the percentage being 78.7. The VRO exam held on Sunday for 700 posts saw about 10.58 lakh candidates registering their names — the highest ever received for the exam conducted by the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC). On learning about this, BJP leader Ramesh, his party colleagues and relatives of the candidates held a dharna outside the centre..