EC should change cut-off date for new voters: counsel

Hyderabad | Tuesday | 9th October, 2018


Actual date of pollsHe contended that the ECI could come to the rescue of ‘young prospective voters’ by changing the ‘cut-off date’ for new voters. If the Telangana Assembly was not dissolved and allowed to complete its full term, Assembly elections should have been held in 2019. Similarly, it had the power to change the qualifying date of January 1, 2018, to register youngsters who attained the age of 18 years as new voters, said Supreme Court senior counsel P.

Nirup Reddy on Monday. Dissolution of the Assembly early, however, was compelling youngsters to lose the right to vote since the cut-off date was fixed as January 1, 2018, he argued. If elections were held in that year, all youngsters completing 18 years by January 1, 2019, could register as new voters and exercise their franchise..