Protection to Doctors is fine; What about Protection to Patients from fleecing & Ending Unethical Practices

Hyderabad | Friday | 11th January, 2019


Needless to say, there are a number of incidents wherein some sections of the doctors at some of the noted corporate hospitals have allegedly indulged in unethical medical practices with the sole aim of making money. Not only that, the auto driver said some of the doctors get commission even from the pharmacies and medical shops for the medicines prescribed for the patients. The Medical bodies and the Government would do well to bestow their attention on this aspect also, many feel. The survey results show that there is definitely something wrong with the doctors and private hospitals, as also the pharmaceutical companies that produce the drugs and medicines. While there can be no objection for providing adequate protection to doctors and hospitals, the other side of the coin cannot be totally ignored, and there is need for safeguarding the patients from unwanted fleecing..