4 from Telangana secure100 percentile in JEE

Hyderabad | Sunday | 20th January, 2019


HYDERABAD: Four students from Telangana — Adelly Sai Kiran, Yindukuri Jayanth Phani, Battepati Karthikeya, Vishwanth K secured 100 percentile marks (National Testing Agency score) in the JEE ( Joint Entrance Examination Main) January-2019 examination, results of which are released on Saturday. This gave an extra edge to our students and helped them succeed in the online format,” said Sindhura Narayana, director Naryana Group. This calculation will give an approximate idea about AIR (All India Rank) and not the correct rank. If a student is seeking admission in an NIT, then the percentile must be greater than 96.”“We had started conducting online training classes since the year. So, it would be wise to appear for the one in April so that there are better chances of getting shortlisted for the advanced examination,” said Ashok Kumar, IIT Coordinator of Narayana, whose student Sai Kiran secured a 100 percentile score..