T'gana: Wary jail officials cut ultras out of call

Hyderabad | Monday | 18th February, 2019


HYDERABAD: Terror suspects and repeat offenders lodged in jails across Telangana will henceforth not have the unlimited telephone call and mulaqat (meeting) facility that was started by the prisons department on Republic Day. We expect this initiative will act like an incentive for a prisoner (either a convict or undertrial with good conduct). After making a bio-metric entry, the prisoner can make a call to the listed numbers for a maximum of 15 minutes. Their calls and mulaqats with loved ones will now be restricted to twice a week, as was the case in the old system.“The ineligibility category has been created to bring change among repeat offenders or those involved in heinous crimes. The initiative — launched as part of jail reforms — will continue for all other prisoners.After nearly three-week run, prison officials decided to tweak their policy as there was a possibility of terror suspects and repeat offenders, especially those jailed under Preventive Detention Act, misusing it despite being on constant surveillance..