Will raise all issues in the House: Congress

Hyderabad | Saturday | 23rd February, 2019


Hyderabad: CLP Leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka on Friday said they would raise all problems faced by the people in the House and demand that the State government solve all of them. Addressing mediapersons after chairing the CLP meeting, Bhatti said the people of the State were agitating for minimum support prices for their produce. Vikramarka said they would also press for discussion on the issue of unemployment of the youth in the State. He said that party leaders and former ministers D.

Sridhar Babu and P.

Sabita Indra Reddy will speak in the House on the budget on Saturday. He said the farmers from Khammam district were agitating for better prices for their chilly crop and red jowar farmers from Nizamabad were also agitating on the same issue..