Kishan urges people to vote for him on his past record

Hyderabad | Wednesday | 10th April, 2019


Hyderabad: Senior BJP leader and candidate in Secunderabad Lok Sabha constituency G.

Kishan Reddy today urged the people to see his past track record and vote for him in the April 11 elections to Lok Sabha. Speaking at a Meet-the-Press program here today, Kishan Reddy said he served the people relentlessly for 15 years as an MLA and resolved burning problems of people. Kishan Reddy said, “All the regional parties are family-run business parties and because of family involvement in Karnataka, they are going to win 22 seats. The BJP leader also said the power-hungry Opposition parties were making impossible promises to woo people but their attempts will go in vain. Asked how many seats his party would win in Telangana State, Kishan Reddy said the BJP would bag maximum number of MP seats as there was overwhelming response in Telangana in the last three days..