Working out before breakfast increases health benefits of exercise: Study

Hyderabad | Saturday | 19th October, 2019


Researchers have found that working out before breakfast could increase health benefits of exercise. “We found that the men in the study who exercised before breakfast burned double the amount of fat than the group who exercised after,” said study author Javier Gonzalez from the University of Bath. The six-week study, which involved 30 men classified as obese or overweight and compared results from two intervention groups found that people who performed exercise before breakfast burned double the amount of fat than the group who exercised after breakfast. The muscles from those who exercised before breakfast also showed greater increases in key proteins, specifically those involved in transporting glucose from the bloodstream to the muscles. For the insulin response to feeding after the six-week study, remarkably, the group who exercised after breakfast were in fact no better than the control group, the study said..