Bounce launches dockless scooter sharing service in Hyderabad

Hyderabad | Tuesday | 17th December, 2019


A+ A-Hyderabad: Bounce, India’s first and fastest-growing dockless scooter sharing service on Tuesday launched 2000 scooters in Hyderabad. In Bangalore, Bounce has partnered with Namma Metro and today 45% of Bounce rides either originate or culminate at metro stations. Speaking at the launch event, Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary of I&C & IT, Telangana said, “Telangana has made real advancement by exploring emerging technologies to improve governance and public service delivery. I believe Bounce is going to enrich the transportation ecosystem with their shared mobility proposition.”Commenting on the launch, Varun Agni, CTO and Co-Founder, Bounce said, “We are excited to introduce our dockless scooter service as an intracity mobility solution in Hyderabad. Bounce currently operates in the city of Bangalore with 13,000 dockless scooters and has a presence in over 35 cities in rental/docked model..