JAC announces Million March in Andhra on Jan 25

Hyderabad | Tuesday | 7th January, 2020


TS & AP leaders Joint Action Committee against CAA-NRC-NPR addressing the media on Tuesday at Media Plus in Hyderabad. A+ A-Hyderabad: The Joint Action Committee (JAC) for Million March has announced to conduct the Million March in Andhra Pradesh on January 25. Addressing the media at Media Plus Auditorium on Tuesday afternoon, JAC Convenor Mr.

Mushtaq Malik said “A peaceful million march against the implementation of NRC, NPR and CAA will be organized in Andhra Pradesh. The JAC demanded the State government and the State Home Ministry withdraw the cases booked in connection with the Million March. Mr.

Amjad Ullah Khalid, Maulana Mohammed Naseeruddin, Mr.

Asif Umri, Mr.

Aleem Khan Falki, Abdus Sattar Mujhaid and Advocate Masood were also present on this occasion..