Hyderabad kickboxer has his eyes set on arm wrestling

Hyderabad | Tuesday | 28th January, 2020


Apart from kickboxing, his other interests include arm wrestling and callisthenics. While he learns kickboxing at Iskimos Kickboxing Academy, he learns arm wrestling from his father’s friend, Hashim Reza. Even my coach had warned me not to go ahead as it was bleeding, but I wanted to make my mother proud. I do not believe in giving up.”Asked if kickboxing and arm wrestling create a buzz in Hyderabad, he says that a lot has to be done to make these sports more popular. “However, I have heard that the next national arm wrestling championship will be held here, and I hope it’s true.”Mehdi’s family, which hails from Iran, is supportive of his dreams but his father wants him to finish his studies first..