Exhibition society moves HC for extension of Numaish for 3 days

Hyderabad | Friday | 14th February, 2020


A+ A-Hyderabad: All India Industrial Exhibition society on Friday moved a house-motion before Telangana High Court and sought permission to extend Numaish 2020 by three days. In December 2019, a division bench of the Telangana High Court granted permission to Exhibition society to go ahead with ‘Numaish – 2020’ event (80th annual All India Industrial Exhibition) at Nampally exhibition grounds from January 1 to February 15.While expressing satisfaction with the reports submitted and explanation given by the authorities concerned regarding safety measures taken for the 45-day event. After a major inferno at Numaish 2019, a practicising lawyer Khaja Aijazuddin had filed a Public intrest litigation petition before Telangana High court, seeking closure of Numaish as there were no safety measures nor statuary permissions were obtained from Fire and other departments. As the HC accord for Exhibition ending on February 15, the society intends to extend numaish for further three days till February 18. The matter is coming up for hearing before Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh Chauhan..