ICFAI Business School Management Program giving an Edge to One"s Corporate Career

Hyderabad | Friday | 4th November, 2022


HYDERABAD, India, Nov.

4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Anyone who wants to grow steadily in their career today needs leadership skills, team management abilities, communication skills, etc.

beyond their core subject knowledge.

MBA/PGPM degree from a renowned Business school in India is a weighing addition to one"s resume and also for skill enhancement required for vertical growth in any given domain.

Like every year, candidates who are aspiring for MBA/PGPM are applying for all the entrance tests and preparing rigorously towards the same.

IBSAT is one of the various popular entrance tests that most aspirants apply for and prepare for qualifying.

About IBSAT Most MBA aspirants apply for IBSAT which is conducted by The IFHE (ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education).

It is the entrance test to qualify for eligibility for the selection process for a 2-year full-time MBA/PGPM and PhD Program in IBS Hyderabad and IBS Bengaluru (Off Campus IFHE), MBA program in IBS Dehradun and IBS Jaipur, and PGPM program in IBS Ahmedabad, IBS Gurgaon, IBS Kolkata, IBS Mumbai, and IBS Pune.

ICFAI Business School gives a clear message of the fact that an MBA/PGPM degree is very important right now for anyone ambitious about a booming corporate career.

And this very approach is being resonated through every effort IBS puts in by helping aspirants for upcoming competitive exams, providing the applicants with more insight about MBA and its benefits, etc.

The reasons how ICFAI Business School shapes a promising career for its students: • World-class faculty: The faculty community is the torch bearer for the students.