Five held in Muthoot Finance heist

Hyderabad | Monday | 16th January, 2017


more-inFour dacoits and a Mumbai-based jeweller were arrested in connection with the looting of 41.8 kg of gold from Muthoot Finance Company’s Ramachandrapuram branch on December 28. The four-member gang consisted of Laskhman Narayan Mudhang, Ganesh Pandurang Bhonsle alias Patil, Subhash Pujari Pandey and Vijay Kumar from various States. Vijay Kumar and another person piloted the Scorpio from the front after the gang members committed the crime on December 28. The gold was melted by Roshan Yadav and made into gold sticks with the help of a machine. The same gang had previously stolen about 16 kg of gold jewellery and Rs.4 lakh from the the Muthoot Mini branches at Ramachandrapuram and Gulbarga in the last two years..