VCs to meet again on detention system

Hyderabad | Sunday | 23rd July, 2017


more-inThe Vice Chancellors meeting held at the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) on Saturday to discuss the detention system in degree colleges concluded after considering the proposals made by the participants. Later, they gave a memorandum to the TSCHE Chaiman, T.

Papi Reddy and wanted him to given assurances on their demand. They decided to meet again for a common system to be adopted. Prof.

Papi Reddy said that he would discuss the issue on pay hike with the Deputy Chief Minister, Kadiyam Srihari after he comes back from the USA. The TSCHE Chairman, Prof.

Papi Reddy said that students will be promoted automatically from first semester to second semester, third to fourth and fifth to sixth..