Adivasis take out rally

Hyderabad | Thursday | 10th August, 2017


Addressing the gathering, the GSP convener S.

Veeraiah said the rally was organised to galvanise the ongoing efforts by Adivasi organisations to protect the constitutionally guaranteed rights of Adivasis into a concrete action. Reiterating their resolve to assert their constitutional rights, scores of adivasis owing allegiance to the Gondwana Samkshema Parishath (GSP) took out a huge rally marking the celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People (World Adivasi Day) in Bhadrachalam on Wednesday. He demanded that the Government categorise the ST reservations in the State to ensure Adivasis their due share in educational and employment opportunities. In Khammam, the Telangana Adivasi Girijana Sangham organised a meeting at Manchikanti Bhavan in connection with the day. The meeting passed several resolutions seeking strict implementation of laws pertaining to the rights of tribal people and creation of an ITDA in Khammam district..