Monsoon session of TS Legislature from October 27

Hyderabad | Wednesday | 18th October, 2017


The monsoon session of the Telangana Legislature is all set to commence on October 27. The State Government communicated its decision to convene the monsoon session to the Legislature Secretary V.

Narasimha Chary after a high level meeting convened by Chief Minister K.

Chandrasekhar Rao. The Chief Minister reportedly wants both the houses of Legislature - the Assembly and the Council - in session for the same duration so that the Council could also discuss the issues that figured in the Assembly. The announcement follows the expiry of the October 29 deadline for the conduct of the session within six months from the date of adjournment of the last session sine die. The session should pass the resolutions again and send them to the Centre if need be for mounting pressure on it to expedite decisions on the key policy matters, he said..