Robbers beat up tribal family, decamp with ornaments in Indore

Indore | Monday | 19th February, 2018


Other families of the shepherd group had left the place yesterday and the family was left alone to defend themselves.The attackers left the family members tied up. They did not make indecent advances at the women, but beat them up to force them to give their ornaments.Police have registered a case against unknown persons and attempts were on to trace them.Statements of the family members were being recorded to get clues about the attackers. They later attacked his wife Tulsibai, 40, and three daughters.Baburao, Tulsibai and Lachhi, 17, sustained critical injuries in the attack.The accused forced women to remove their ornaments and fled the spot, taking away four heads of sheep.Police suspect that the attackers were keeping a close watch on the shepherds, before making the move. INDORE: A group of armed robbers, allegedly hailing from infamous Kanjar community , beat up a family of shepherds in Dakachya jungles in early hours of Monday and decamped with ornaments and cattle.The family were part of a nomadic tribal group hailing from Rajasthan and were camping in the forest near village Arjun Badoda , before moving ahead in their journey, Kshipra police said.The attack took place when the family of Baburao Khemaji , 50, were sleeping in the temporary camp with their herd of cattle, they said adding around 15-20 armed men barged in and beat Baburao up. They somehow freed themselves and reached a godown of a box-making firm, where they took shelter for the night.The godown security guard informed the police, who reached the remote location in the morning.The injured were rushed to the MY Hospital for treatment.Lachhi later told the police that the attackers wore masks, thus could not be identified..