Company raided for buying stolen data

Indore | Thursday | 8th March, 2018


Further investigations will reveal more names, said the cyber SP. INDORE: The Indore cell of state cyber police on Wednesday raided an advisory company in Vijay Nagar area in a follow-up action for allegedly buying stolen call data record of mobile phones and using it.Cyber cell had received complaints against some persons illegally providing CDR in exchange for money a few months ago. Higher the numbers, higher would be the price.There is possibility of involvement of people from the telecom companies and data suppliers. The PDFs were then sold to the customers based on the amount of numbers present on the bill. “We received information that the CDRs were sold on some particular email IDs and based on it a follow-up action is being initiated against those who bought it,” said cyber SP Jitendra Singh.On Wednesday, a team of cyber police raided Rudra advisory investment company in Vijay Nagar area in this connection..