Plea seeks inquiry report of Mandsaur farmers’ stir

Indore | Tuesday | 7th August, 2018


Five other petition connected to the same issue have also been adjourned.The report of the inquiry conducted by retd Justice JK Jain, has been submitted by him to the state government. “Since the report can be an important evidence for the SIT which I have sought in the petition, it must be made available to me. A division bench of Justice PK Jaiswal and Justice SK Awasthi allowed the counsel to submit the application on record and adjourned the case for two weeks. However, the state government has not tabled the report at the Vidhan Sabha and neither has it been submitted before the high court, where the six petitions are pending. Also, the enquiry commission is only a recommendatory body and cannot initiate criminal action against the responsible persons, hence the report must be brought on public domain so that action may be taken,” advocate Mathur said..