Candidates to pay for littering in Swachh city

Indore | Monday | 19th November, 2018


It involves the expenses for cleaning up garbage left behind after their rallies, campaign trails and other events. Indore: While the election expenses of political candidates from other cities include money spent on campaigning, for candidates from India’s cleanest city poll budget has a non-campaigning addition. The IMC has charged Rs 5,000 for cleaning work after one single rally.The amount charged for daily campaign trails is fixed on the basis of the amount of waste generated. Till date, three netas have paid the amount for the cleaning drive. For those who are not paying up, we are spot fining them,” said IMC commissioner Asheesh Singh.According to IMC officials, candidates who have made the payment are Malini Gaur, Mahendra Hardia and Sheikh Alim on behalf of the Congress party..