Bonfires, barbecue and bonhomie: Indore's ingredients for the perfect house party

Indore | Friday | 14th December, 2018


So, when my friend Mohit invited me for this barbeque house party with a movie marathon, I instantly said yes. We try and make it a potluck , and get a bonfire started in those big tagadis that is easily available at home. So, when my friends were looking for a place to party, I decided to host one on my house terrace. Sweta Chugani, 23-year-old dance trainer, who recently hosted a bonfire party at her home, says, “It is the season to party and binge on tikkas and kebabs! As the mercury keeps dipping towards colder days and nights, this is how youngsters are finding warmth in parties…No winter party is complete without grilled goodies!.