Over 20% people suffering from allergic rhinitis in Indore

Indore | Thursday | 10th January, 2019


Each patient was tested for same 140 allergens.ENT specialist Dr Sudhir Jain and team member of the research said, “Cases of allergic rhinitis have been increasing in Indore by 20% every year. However, the incidents have increased in urban areas as well.It has been found that most of the pet lovers are suffering from the allergic rhinitis due to dog dander but are unaware about the fact,” said Dr Jain. INDORE: Over 20% people are suffering from allergic rhinitis caused due to dog dander in the city, revealed a research conducted recently by ENT specialists.Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in nose and it can be caused by an allergen like – dust, mould or flakes of skin from certain animals, say doctors.A group of ENT specialists conducted a research on trends of allergic rhinitis and its causes. The major cause of allergy is pollens and dog dander. The cases of dog dander have increased recently as in past years such cause was not recorded.”“The major cause of increase in the allergic cases is anti-allergic medicines that family physicians prescribe to patients..