Ice cream or unhealthy frozen dessert, what are you having?

Indore | Monday | 25th March, 2019


"The taste of frozen desserts lingers long after you have it whereas once you've gobbled ice cream, flavour leaves you," said Swami. You might get duped and end buying an unhealthy frozen desert instead of ice-cream.Frozen dessert is actually mixture of milk powder, vegetable oil and artificial sweeteners unlike ice cream which is made of milk.Ahead of summers, food department has started a special drive against sale of frozen dessert claiming to be ice cream. Swami said department will start extensive drive againstsoft drinks and ice balls.A palate test is an easy way to tell ice creams from frozen desserts. Indore: Next time you buy ice cream , be extra careful. Usually ice cream family packs, which are worth Rs 55, are frozen desserts and the ones with price tag of Rs 120 and above are actual ice creams as they are made of milk..