Rape accused nabbed with deaf and dumb survivor's help

Indore | Thursday | 9th February, 2017


"Janu was arrested and charged with rape of the minor girl," Khajrana police station in-charge Kamlesh Sharma told TOI.As the matter came to fore, victim's uncles approached her and took her custody. "We found condoms lying in a room where she was raped," he said.The girl communicated to Monica that she can identify the accused. When the team a reached Jhalaria village, she panicked and pointed at an under-construction store house. "Since her parents can look after her, the relatives have promised to be her custodians," said Purohit. She was brought to the police station by NGO ChildLine," said sign language expert Gyanendra Purohit Purohit and his wife Monica reached the police station to find a terrified young girl wary of the attention she was getting..