10 arrested, trucks seized for illegal sand mining

Jaipur | Saturday | 19th May, 2018


Supreme Court has already banned sand mining in the state still the mining mafias are into it. Thus, we are sharing all information with the police to ensure a crackdown on the illegal sand mining from Banas river belt and other areas." JAIPUR: Cracking a whip against sand mining the Jaipur police have arrested 10 persons and have seized nearly 12 trucks and four tractor trolleys carrying the illegally mined sand from various police station areas in the city during early hours on Friday. Police have also handed over the trucks and vehicles to the mining department for further action into the case.According to the police, they have been getting regular inputs from the mining engineers and other employees of the mining department on the transportation of illegally mined sand. "We have seized six trucks from different spots including Kothun road, Gurudwasi and Thikaria road area and have arrested four truck drivers..