We have to deal with hooligans even for ‘tasteless coffee’ and ‘cold popcorn’, say cinemas in Jaipur

Jaipur | Tuesday | 3rd July, 2018


Cinema owners say that now, they have to deal with hooligans not only when a film offends a group, but also for ‘cold popcorn’, ‘tasteless coffee’, ‘high rate of food items’, and ‘unnecessary frisking’. Being in the hospitality industry, where we have always been told that customers come first, we can’t be rude to them. Though, we have had arguments with moviegoers over food items, ambiance, etc. On last Thursday evening, a group of MNS workers thrashed the manager of a PVR multiplex in Pune over the price of food items sold there. Otherwise, we (cinema staff) are capable enough to control customers..