Baby injured during clashes dies in Kota hospital

Jaipur | Tuesday | 10th July, 2018


KOTA: An eight-day-old girl late on Sunday night died during treatment after she sustained critical injuries in clashes between two groups of relatives in Gadepan area under Simliya police station of Kota district . Police have lodged cases against the members of the two groups under sections of IPC including Section 302 and initiated investigation into the matter. The body of the infant girl was on Monday morning handed over to the family members after post-mortem. The SHO further said on the report by Ghyanshyam a case under sections 147, 148, 149, 323 and 307 of IPC was lodged against Ramesh and four others including his wife. Ramesh Bagri (32), along with his wife and three cousins was returning home in Dhaba village when around 7.30 pm Ghanshyam Bagri Mogiya (55) along with his wife, daughter and four other persons attacked Ramesh and his family members with sticks and iron rods at Gadepan circle..