Close shave for 20 passengers at Kanak Ghati

Jaipur | Sunday | 23rd September, 2018


The bus skidded and crashed through the wall, ‘The accident could have turned fatal had passengers not been rescued on time. A sense of panic had prevailed in the area as passengers screamed for help while others tried to leap from the windows. Jaipur: A major tragedy was averted when a bus carrying 20 passengers came precariously close to fall into a Kanak Gathi valley here on Saturday morning.The accident occurred at 8am in them morning when the private bus coming from Amber lost control and hit into barrier wall. All passengers were taken out of the vehicle,” said SHO Accident police station (Jaipur North), Prem Chand.The traffic police said that driver was speeding and steered his towards left direction on narrow road. People who were passing from the same road stopped to help and inform cops,” an official informed TOI.Prem Chand said that the bus has been seized while a case has been registered against the driver..