BJP leaders huddle again to finalise names of candidates

Jaipur | Tuesday | 6th November, 2018


JAIPUR: Having failed to draw a consensus over the panel of probable candidates the last time, senior leaders of the state BJP gathered again on Monday to finalise the names.The senior leaders, including chief minister Vasundhara Raje , were in Delhi last week with single name panels for over 60 seats, which were reportedly rejected by the party high command. Most of the names of state ministers were included in the list.Sources claimed that the party high command, which is expected to clear and announce the first list of candidates immediately after Diwali , demanded that more than one name be presented by the state BJP’s core committee on all the seats. The party is keeping in mind casteequations and the feedback received in its surveys on sitting MLAs and probable candidates, during preparing the panel.The names are likely to be discussed in the parliamentary board meeting scheduled for November 10, which is also when the first list of the party’s candidates for the forthcoming assembly elections is expected. The party high command has also demanded a written explanation in case where only single name will be proposed as the probable candidate.With this, the state BJP, which stands divided on the probable candidates and over dropping of MLAs including ministers, has against started the exercise of finalising the panel of names all over again.Senior leaders during the deliberation on Monday sought suggestions for party leaders who had recently toured different parts of the state..