Come winter Hadauti turns into a paradise for winged visitors

Jaipur | Thursday | 13th December, 2018


Pelicans— Large, Rosy and Dalmatian, prance about the shallow water bodies. Other stork species generally seen here are Open Billed Storks and Necked Storks which are shy solitary birds and avoid communities. Moreover, Flamingos can also be seen in winter though they are visible in large numbers only at the onset of monsoon.Five species of storks out of world’s total seventeen can be spotted in Hadauti during winter. Most easy to spot are Painted Storks that nest in the higher branches of babool trees. Also providing a fantastic view to the birdwatchers are jacanas, coots, moorhens, water hens, kingfishers, rollers, golden oriole, etc.There are mainly two seasons when migratory birds flock to the region – monsoon and winter from October to March end..