Armed goons rape minor rob two houses in Rajsamand

Jaipur | Saturday | 15th December, 2018


Udaipur: Armed goons allegedly gang-raped a 14-year-old girl before decamping with cash, gold and silver ornaments from two houses within Charbhuja police station limits hours past Thursday midnight in Rajsamand district. “The men were 6-8 in numbers who laid a sudden attack in the farmhouse where workers were sleeping. The army of men attacked the people and snatched away all the ornaments on their bodies,” additional SP, Rajsamand, Rajesh Bharadwaj told TOI. Another minor girl jumped off from the first floor when some of the men barged into the house and advanced towards her. After the loot at the farmhouse, the men marched into another house situated 100 meters from the farmhouse and attacked the landlord Gopal Singh and his wife..