Ranthambore big cat strays near tracks in Mukundra Hills

Jaipur | Monday | 11th February, 2019


I agree that the tiger is close to the railway track from Ghati end. JAIPUR: A young sub-adult T-98 tiger straying from the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR) is now precariously poised close to a railway line passing through the Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve (MHTR). Releasing a tiger in Seljar could have invited another controversy as shifting of two males during re-introduction programme is not advisable,” said a source. But at present, we are not planning to tranquillise the animal.”Officials said that the railway track passes through a ravine for about 2 km with steep embankments on either side. However, MHTR is not prepared to track a free roaming tiger..