In this border area, drones & gunfire define everyday life

Jaipur | Tuesday | 19th March, 2019


All of us have begun visiting the farms,” he said.The everyday normal life in border villages continues as usual. The menace in border villages here has a new name—Pakistani drones.The slightest whir of these drones often drapes the entire village in a veil of silence. SRIGANGANGAR: As dusk begins to fall, all eyes rest above the night sky in search of the flickering red light. It is shattered by loud thuds of Indian gunfire, aimed at aerial intruders.People claim that since March 9, there have been at least nine intrusions by Pakistani drones into Fathui, Ranuka and Mandher villages. However, worried relatives from faraway places in Punjab and Haryana call every morning to check on their kin in Sriganganagar..