Special initiative by Jodhpur postal region to cover girls under ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ scheme

Jaipur | Tuesday | 18th April, 2017


JODHPUR: Jodhpur postal region has taken special initiative to cover maximum eligible girls under the scheme 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' by opening maximum number of accounts and making many villages 'Sampoorn Sukanya Samridhhi Village.' "We have covered 54 villages as 'Sampoorn Sukanya Samridhhi Village' by enrolling all eligible girls under the scheme. The scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Since the launching of the scheme, the Jodhpur postal region that covers the entire western Rajasthan, has covered 54 villages under this mission by reaching out to as many girls as possible. Not only this, we are also making efforts to cover newborn baby girls by approaching parents at the time of birth through village postman," said Krishna Kumar Yadav, director postal services, Rajasthan Western Region, Jodhpur.The region has so far opened 1.5 lakh accounts under the said scheme in the post offices of Jodhpur region put together in which an approximate sum of Rs 77 crore has been deposited so far.He said that the postal department has been trying hard to explain the benefits of the scheme to the villagers that it is not just a medium of investment but also helpful for the bright and prosperous future of girl child and to make them socially and economically strong..