Drink driving deaths down 60% in Bihar

Jamshedpur | Saturday | 9th September, 2017


NEW DELHI: Prohibition seems to have helped Bihar rein in deaths caused by drunk driving, with the number of such fatalities dropping 60% between 2015 and 2016.The liquor ban came into force in the state in 2016. At 541, Bihar reported the maximum decline in drunk-driving-related road deaths, in absolute figures, between 2015 and 2016, among the eight states and Union Territories where the number of deaths fell.By percentage, the decline was sharpest in Haryana. According to WHO reports, drinking and driving is one of the main causes of road crashes. Even the sharp decline in deaths in Haryana...

could be because the liquor shops along NHs in the state were almost closed during 2016." After TOI first reported on April 21 the lower drunk driving-related road fatalities in Bihar, the state government had cited the drop as one of the achievements of its complete ban on liquor..