Sabarimala: Pilgrims shun protest, feel their peace breached

Kochi | Thursday | 18th October, 2018


Everyone agreed on one fact: The repute of the hill shrine as an abode of peace and salvation is challenged by the continuing controversy. The chaos has actually disturbed that concept”, said a devotee from Andhra Pradesh who chose to be anonymous. While some welcomed the entry to women of all ages, others wanted the tradition to be continued. Only a few devotees were seen stopping their vehicles and joining the protestors.Pilgrims from neighbouring Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu haven’t shown any interest in the protest.Anoj, the convener of Sabarimala Achara Samrakshana Samara Samithi, said not many pilgrims have joined their protest. “Here, I could find the merging of God and devotee with Mother nature..