Keralite doctor in the middle of nowhere

Kochi | Thursday | 22nd August, 2019


Shevlin Sebastian ByExpress News ServiceKOCHI: When the 45-year-old tribal, Majhi, was brought to the Shanti Bhavan Medical Center in Biru, Jharkhand, blood was spurting out from a gash in the neck. But I told the family Majhi may not be able to speak or hear again.”Majhi was having a drink with his friend. Majhi presented a paper packet to Mathew, which contained bananas, and said, “This is my first crop. But when his friend, Arwin Sushil, the chief administrative officer of the Center invited him to have a look, Mathew did so. Asked to compare a village in Kerala with that in Biru, Mathew says, “It is like comparing the USA and Africa..