Seaport-Airport Road work picks up pace

Kochi | Wednesday | 15th January, 2020


By Express News ServiceKOCHI: The Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala (RBDCK) has initiated talks with the Naval Armament Depot (NAD) in connection with the extension of the Seaport-Airport Road. The NAD had demanded a two-lane road or flyover on their vicinity in place of the 2.75 hectares of land they have to surrender for the expansion work. The HMT has to surrender 1.63 hectares for the project for which they will be paid a compensation of `16 crore. The stretch from HMT to NAD, NAD to Mahilalayam and Mahilayalayam to Chowara. The total cost of completing the work along the 14km stretch is estimated to around 650 crores..