12 Kolhapur-type weirs under water after days of heavy rainfall

Kolhapur | Thursday | 28th June, 2018


KOLHAPUR: The heavy rainfall over the past few days has submerged 12 Kolhapur-type weirs in various parts of the district.The district received 31.39 mm average rainfall on Wednesday. Seven of the 12 KT weirs under water are on Panchganga river, including Shingnapur, Rajaram, Rui, Ichalkaranji, Terwad and Shirol weirs. Kolhapur city received normal rainfall on Wednesday, but the intensity of rainfall in the catchment areas remains high. Rashivade, Haladi, Khadak Koge and Sarkari Koge weirs located on Bhogawati river went under water when the river was in spate. The water level of Panchganga at Rajaram weir touched 23 feet on Wednesday morning.The water level of the dams in the district is steadily rising, said district administration officials.Gaganbawada taluka received highest rainfall on Wednesday measuring 93.50mm..