e-PoS machines: Network issue to be addressed

Kozhikode | Friday | 13th April, 2018


In Kozhikode district, 971 ration shops have the modern e-PoS machines to streamline the conventional supply system. Even after several months, it has not come to fruition in any district,” says T.

Mohammed Ali, convener of the Kozhikode District Ration Dealers Coordination committee. District Supply Officer K.

Manoj Kumar says the majority of the e-PoS machines, which were not functioning properly as a result of weak net connectivity, are now in the rural areas of Kozhikode and the issue will be addressed within five days. “The Chief Minister, during the previous discussions held with ration dealers, had agreed to implement the doorstep delivery of ration articles under the new Food Security Act. Since the concept of electronic point of sales is new to ration shops, it will take some time for ration dealers to be familiarised with it, they add..