SFI, DYFI unleashing violence on campuses, alleges KSU

Kozhikode | Saturday | 15th September, 2018


more-inThe Kerala Students’ Union (KSU) has accused the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) and the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) of resorting to violence after the recent college union polls. Addressing the media here on Friday, KSU State president K.M. According to him, the SFI-DYFI combine had targeted KSU activists, as the CPI(M) leadership had blindly supported the violence unleashed by them. The SFI leadership had been capitalising on the martyrdom of Abhimanyu, a student of Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam, for the polls. An office-bearer of the KSU at the Deva Matha College at Kuravilangad in Kottayam was brutally attacked for coordinating elections..