Cop caught on camera seeking bribe, suspended

Lucknow | Tuesday | 17th July, 2018


Someone shot a video showing the constable demanding bribe for clearing verification. The constable denies demanding bribe and the case is being investigated.” LUCKNOW: A constable posted at PGI police station was suspended on Monday for demanding bribe from surety holders of a jailed accused.The constable, identified as Dharmpal Yadav had been tasked to visit the houses of surety holders of jailed Shankar Yadav and verify their address. When asked about the incident, SHO PGI Ravindra Rai said, “We are yet to get the video. The video was sent to senior police officials and was brought to the notice of SSP Lucknow.Taking cognizance, SSP Lucknow ordered suspension of the constable with immediate effect and asked PGI police to probe the allegations..