Burglars strike near DGP office in Lucknow

Lucknow | Wednesday | 12th September, 2018


A case has been registered and efforts are on to nab the burglars. “On checking, I found that cash and jewellery worth Rs 35 lakhs were missing. The theft took place between 10am and 1.15pm,” she told police.The officer informed police about the theft and then contacted her husband and colleagues informing them about the incident. When she entered the flat she found the articles lying strewn all over the floor. Shobha Rani left for her office at Krishi Bhawan at Madan Mohan Malviya road around 10am after locking the flat and main gate while her husband Ramesh Chand had left for school in the morning.Around 1.15pm, when Shobha Rani returned to her flat, she found the lock at the gate lying broken..